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16 AGUSTUS 2018

One of CSR activities is giving attention to education. In this year, CSR team visited one day before Indonesia Independence Dayand celebrated it together with kids.

Location of PAUD / TKCipta Ceriais in West Pamulang - South Tangerang. The school has been established since 2014 and now the number of students are already 65 students consists of 35 students in Paud grade and 30 students are TK grade. The school under SumberTjiptaSunaringpraja Foundation and provides subsidies for disadvantaged children in the surrounding West Pamulang. The vision of this foundation is to improve the quality of life and to reduce difficulties of children when they are going to continue to Elementary School (SD).

On August 16, CSR DIPA Healthcare team provided stationery to all students and hopefully the supporting can improve the learning of spirit in the future.